Bowel Preparation Changes to Your Diet
For the procedure to be accurate, the bowel must be completely clean. This is achieved through a combination of dietary changes and bowel preparation medication. To ensure the colon is clean at the time of the procedure, a low residue diet is required.
A Low-Residue Diet is specified prior to a colonoscopy to decrease the amount of undigested food that passes through your digestive system. The term residue refers to the parts of food that pass undigested through the bowel, primarily being fibre. If this residue remains in the bowel then it may obscure areas of the colon that are required to be assessed by your doctor. By adhering to a low-residue diet in preparation for a colonoscopy you are assisting in reducing the presence of obstructions and increase the likelihood of a successful procedure.
Your doctor will nominate either a standard low-residue diet or a 'white diet'. Continue reading below for further information on the foods and drinks allowed and to view a sample menu plan for both diets.